18 killed in Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah


RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — 18 killed in Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 18 people, including 14 children, health officials said Sunday, as the United States was on track to approve billions of dollars of additional military aid to its close ally.

Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 18 people, including 14 children, health officials said Sunday, as the United States was on track to approve billions of dollars of additional military aid to its close ally.

On Saturday, the House of Representatives approved a $26 billion aid package. About $9 billion of this funding is earmarked for providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

18 killed in Israeli strikes

Recent attacks by Israel on the southern Gaza city of Rafah have once again put the spotlight on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. 18 killed in Israeli strikes These attacks have caused a lot of harm, including loss of lives and damage to buildings, making the already tense situation even worse in the region.

The increase in violence shows how important it is for other countries to step in and help stop more harm and address the reasons behind the fighting. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what led to these attacks, their impact, how the world has reacted, and what steps can be taken to find peace.

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Israeli Strikes on Rafah

The recent Israeli attacks on Rafah, a city in southern Gaza near Egypt, have caused a lot of damage and loss of life. Rafah is important because it’s close to Egypt, and Israel often targets it during military actions.

These attacks have been really bad. Many buildings where people live, like homes, hospitals, and schools, have been badly damaged or destroyed. The attacks didn’t just hit military targets; they also hit places where regular people live, hurting or killing many civilians, including women and children.

Besides the physical damage, the attacks have also hurt people emotionally. People in Rafah and the wider Gaza area are scared and stressed because they never know when the next attack will come.

The airstrikes have made the already tough situation in Gaza even worse. Gaza doesn’t have enough food, water, or medical supplies because of Israel’s restrictions, and the attacks have made it even harder for people to get what they need.

18 killed in Israeli strikes People all around the world have criticized these attacks and are asking for them to stop immediately. They want everyone involved to treat people fairly, even during wars. Human rights groups are also calling for anyone who breaks these rules to be held responsible.

But even though these attacks have caused a lot of suffering, the main problems that cause fighting between Israel and Palestine are still there. 18 killed in Israeli strikes Things like who owns which land, what to do about Jerusalem, and how to help Palestinian refugees are still causing arguments and violence.

Even though things look bad, there’s still hope for peace. People from different countries are trying to help stop the fighting and get Israeli and Palestinian leaders to talk to each other again. This is important because only by talking, making compromises, and treating each other fairly can the region move towards a future where everyone can live in peace and prosperity.

See Also:- “Turkey Challenges Israeli Occupation with Erdogan-Haniyeh Meeting in Gaza”

18 killed in Israeli strikes.

18 killed in Israeli strikes The recent Israeli airstrikes in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, have caused a heartbreaking loss of 18 lives. These airstrikes have made the conflict between Israel and Palestine even worse, bringing immense devastation and sadness.

Among those who lost their lives are ordinary people, including women and children, who were just trying to live their lives. The airstrikes didn’t just destroy buildings; they shattered families and communities, leaving behind a trail of grief and despair.

The airstrikes have also left Rafah and Gaza in ruins, destroying homes, schools, and hospitals. This has made life even harder for the people who are already struggling to survive.

Besides the physical damage, the airstrikes have left deep emotional scars on the people of Rafah and Gaza. The constant fear of more attacks and the trauma of losing loved ones weigh heavily on their hearts and minds.

The world has spoken out against these airstrikes, calling for an immediate stop to the violence. Organizations that protect human rights are demanding justice for the innocent lives lost.

Despite the pain and suffering, 18 killed in Israeli strikes the Palestinian people remain strong and resilient, holding onto hope for a better future. It’s important for leaders to come together and find a peaceful solution to the conflict, so that no more lives are lost and families torn apart.


We hope you will like the article of razatracker.com. 18 killed in Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah. The Israeli airstrikes in Rafah have caused a lot of damage and sadness, hurting many innocent people and making the situation even worse in the region. It’s clear that the fighting needs to stop now. People all over the world are speaking out against these airstrikes and asking for peace. The suffering of the people in Rafah and Gaza shows how important it is to find a solution to the conflict.


1. Why did Israel attack Rafah?

  • Israel attacked Rafah in response to security threats and rocket attacks from Gaza.

2. How many casualties were there?

  • The airstrikes caused 18 deaths and significant infrastructure damage.

3. What was the international response?

  • Countries condemned the airstrikes and urged a ceasefire to prevent further loss of life.

4. How is the conflict being addressed?

  • Diplomatic efforts and dialogue aim to resolve the underlying issues.

5. How can individuals help?

  • People can raise awareness, advocate for peace, and support humanitarian aid.


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