Girlfriend or Islam, Choose One – New Muslim Revert Stories

Brothers and sisters, how a young man at the age of 17 was faced with a difficult choice – a young man who is new to Islam is naturally curious about Islam. He is curious about its people, its spirituality, and its rules.

In addition, it turns out that while he was studying Islam, he was accompanied by his girlfriend. So one day, he was in a situation where he had to choose between his girlfriend or the religion of Islam that he had just learned. Guess what he would have chosen? Let’s take a look at his story. – New Muslim Revert Stories

The young man’s name was Leon Kettle from Newcastle. Leon was born and raised in a Christian family that taught him a lot about religion. So, religion became a major topic in Leon’s mind when he reached the age of 13 and 14. However the people in his neighborhood were less religious, so he rarely found people practicing the worship that his mother taught him. He didn’t see baptisms; he didn’t see people praying or anything like that.

At that time, Leon began to look at Islam because he saw his close friend, who was a Muslim, practicing worship with great devotion. Even at a young age, Leon saw the basics of Islam clearly practiced by his close friend. From then on, questions about religion filled his mind, and he began to ask questions about life.

What is life for? Why is he in this world, and what is the purpose of life? This led him to study Islam for the first time because of his curiosity about Islam.

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From then on, he had many discussions with his Muslim friends about religion. He was interested and learned a lot about Islam. He started reading passages from the Quran and recognized himself as an Islamic because he had taken his own Shahada. At the same time, Leon also had a girlfriend who was quite serious about him. His girlfriend had been with him from the beginning of his study of Islam.

After starting to understand that dating in Islam could not go hand in hand, his disagreements with Islam began. Even though Leon had declared his conversion to Islam, he didn’t really go to the mosque because his mother forbade him to go there. His mother was worried that he would be influenced by Islam, so she told him to study only a little. In other words, his mother did not encourage him to go deeper into Islam due to the influence of those around him.

Leon began to waver on Islam and eventually decided to favor dating over religion. Time went on, and his relationship with his girlfriend didn’t last long – only about six months – so they split up. Not long after that, he got a new girlfriend right around the time he entered University, but the same thing happened with his relationship – different problems and different paths. He separated from his new girlfriend, and the cycle repeated itself until he was 20 years old.

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During the period of dating, it turned out that he did not get satisfaction, did not get peace, and comfort, and did not get what he expected in his life. So, he finally returned to Islam and ended the Haram relationship right at the time of the lockdown. He began to learn more about Islam, learning about Tawhid – the oneness of God – until finally, he truly believed that Islam was the true religion. He even admitted to himself, ‘Oh, this is the religion I want to follow.’ The path was very clear, which he couldn’t find in any other religion.

Leon, who at that time already believed in Islam, started going to the mosque. And when he was in the mosque, he felt a great momentum. He got what he expected there – he got peace. The people there were very friendly, the simplicity, and a strong sense of brotherhood. Even he said that before, he had never considered a big interest in a community except only in the community of Muslims that he joined. And finally, he really converted to Islam there.

That’s a story of Leon Kettle’s journey in finding Islam. Hopefully, many are inspired by this story. A little reminder for us that Allah says in the Quran, ‘And do not approach Zina. Verily, Zina is an abominable deed and a bad way.’

This verse is a reminder for us to always control ourselves against promiscuity, keep our eyes away from spectacles that expose the ‘awrah, or approach adultery. Remember, even approaching adultery is forbidden, let alone doing it.

That’s all for this story today. Hopefully, it will be useful. If you like the story, don’t forget to share it with others as well.

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